Thursday, 20 March 2014

Potting On ...

Good Morning!
There's nothing really going on in the GH and garden this week except for watching the seedlings and I don't really want to bore you too much with that lol However on Monday I did find a little job to do and that was 'Potting On'.
'Potting On' is simply re-planting your seedlings / young plants into pots a size larger than their current ones to help maintain healthy growth. I have done this with some 'Nigella' plants that I sowed back in the Autumn.

As you can see from this photo the roots were ready to be potted on. I always try to wait until you can see the roots peeking through the bottom of the current pots / trays as then you know for sure that they are ready. 

I added a little bit of fresh compost to the bottom and side of each pots before adding the plant. Once this was done I added a top layer of fresh compost.

Speaking of Seedlings, remember in my last post how I said none of my Tomato seeds that I had sown had germinated? Well later on in the afternoon guess what I noticed ... it's the only one so far and I shall be keeping my eye on it for sure!

I'm still waiting for some more seeds to come through but hopefully they won't be too long.

Spring Onions are certainly looking like I'l need to do something with them soon too!

I also received some free seeds back on Monday and decided to sow one of them and give these a go. I always think that everything is worth a try!

Outside thanks to the warm weather everything seems to be waking up a bit more. Some of the perennials seem to be putting on some healthy growth and the Alliums that I planted in 5 pots have shot up nicely!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Looks like things are coming along nicely, nice to see your toms germinating - have brought mine out of GH and into the house in hope they might get a bit more constant warmth. x Susan x

  2. great stuff nat - your plants are coming on nicely - glad to report my sweet peas and broad beans have now germinated and are starting to grow nicely xx
