Monday 7 December 2015

Garden Checklist ...

Good Morning!
Along with the few things I mentioned over the past couple of weeks, there are a couple of other bits and bobs you can be getting on with in the garden too.

1. Primroses - If like me, you have Primroses in your garden you may have noticed that in the past week or so the leaves are looking a little worse for wear. Give your Primroses a tidy up by removing any yellowing / damaged leaves along with faded flower heads. You can also divide Primroses if they are becoming congested. This job will only take half an hour or so and the finished look is much more appealing to look at!
The same can also be done to Hellebores if any of the leaves are showing signs of Black spot.

2. Winter Bedding - If you have any pots of Winter Bedding and the temperatures are set to get really cold, move the pots to a sheltered position until the temperatures improve.
We've had lows down to 1c at the start of last week and highs of 11c last weekend!
You can also use Cloches to protect any Winter Veg that you may be growing.

3. Asparagus  - If you are growing Asparagus in your garden now is the time to cut down the plants, the same can be done for the tops of Jerusalem Artichokes.

4. Greenhouse - Over in the Greenhouse along with the usual checking over of plants for signs of pests & diseases, you can bring pots of bulbs under cover to force them to produce early blooms, resulting in some Winter colour for your GH or inside your home. 

5. Houseplants - Finally if you have any Houseplants on your windowsills and temperatures are set to get low over night, move them out of the window in the evening to help keep them at a more suitable temperature.

Thanks for stopping by, don't forget you can find all the previous Checklists on the page tab above.

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